Hi Bob,

Any new part from anyone can fail and does so more often then we would like. The delivery time on a new system from NewEgg could be pretty fast if they have all the parts in stock.

The only failures I have ever had was because of bad motherboards.

It could be worth the $99 dollars just to not have to deal with that issue.

I have several computers so I am not often in any hurry to build a new one.

All my high end machines work great except for the Microsoft intrusive issues. The last Lap Top, an HP at about $1200 was a piece of crap until I installed a SSD and a new operating system.

I always use https://pcpartpicker.com/ to look for the best prices and what is compatible.

By the way...living in the boonies is no excuse for not raising hell with venders...lol


Our office computer that we run Quick Books on has a backup machine ready to go and can be changed over in less than 10 min.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo