Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
i'm haveing great trouble understanding why pg products stop "anyone" from doing "any music genre" includeing modern styles in the contemporary idiom.

an example will suffice.

years and years ago , when i first got into pg products various musos would say simillar things to what ive read in this thread...eg "old folks music" or "polkas" or "its for jazz"...etc etc....
then my fellow musos went "WHAAAAAAT" !! lmao.
or "didnt know you could do that".
my own viewpoint is its all in how one approaches ones use of the software.
you can literally create any song in any genre you want. ....IF YOUR WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORK.....
midi offers ultimate flexibility imho...as shown by many musos on these forums.

you can rough out anything in biab and then go into realband for 48 traks to add anything you want in any genre.
for example lay down added traks from sample libs or your own instrument and vocal traks, or if you own external synths with all their wonderfull sounds...add even more sound pictures.

honestly i dont see the limitations. you can even build your own styles or modify existing ones.

in conclusion AI/canned styles will only take one so far. one simply must put in the hours of work to create songs imho.
anyways the above is my viewpoint.
happiness to all pg users.

While you are correct, you are missing the point!

Yes, I can create my own bluegrass music by raising a goat, slaughtering it, curing its hide, creating a banjo out of the skin, learning to play that banjo, learning to play bluegrass, learning to record and mix and master the music. Yes, of course I can do all of that!

But tools like BIAB are intended to give us a few shortcuts! So, I don't need the goat. Heck, I don't even need the banjo!

If I want an authentic sounding bluegrass backing track, BIAB delivers in spades! It ain't Newgrass Revival but it is damn close! And if I want an authentic classic country song or a jazz song or a polka, well BIAB delivers, again in spades.

All we are asking for is some new stuff in BIAB that helps create modern music as easily as it helps us create classic music. Maybe that is too much for BIAB to do but that is what we are asking.