
I just tried something a few seconds ago on the piano that worked out really well.

I have an entire Cakewalk Board set up with tracks that only have a band playing the same chord over and over, like C, for example, in a Celtic style for example. I will use these drones to practice scales against, like piano or violin, so scale practice times doesn't get so boring.

Well, I just let that C chord in a Celtic band run and I sat down at the piano and fiddled with a melody until it started to sound great. (Not talking chromatics, Billy, just plain old C scale notes.)

The melody is cool now.

Later, I can use that melody and add in the chords.

That's the kind of experimentation I am talking about.

I think with all of our technology we try and let the computer do too much. Sometimes you have to play and find the notes, and it can take hours. As wonderful as technology is, you can't just push a few buttons and have a really interesting song.

A suitable bed, yes, of course, but a full blown song--no.

That takes patience.