Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
John, there's nothing wrong using an unsupported operating system. I still have an XP desktop I occasionally pull out. But as the computer world moves on and standards change it becomes more difficult.

Windows 7 was likely the most stable client operating system so far. The main reason I migrated from Windows 7 to 10 was driver support.

Hi Jim,

As a programmer I have a different strategy for operating system software. I am fully aware that most software companies release their software long before the software is fully tested in effect using us as testers at some level (Gamma testers may be the word). Some companies like to call their updates security patches and I suspect they do not want to tell us they are using us as testers(bad pr). Yes some of the updates may be security patches but I suspect there are a lot more fixes than they will admit to. Have I had any security issues with Win7? Zip! Any with Win XP before that? Zip! I have the added protection of a fairly sophisticated backup strategy and I just as of yesterday tightened it even more as it had a significant flaw (My image backup USB drive failed and I have no idea when so I now back up to it every day so I know and I am considering alternating 2 USB drives). So keeping this all in mind, I prefer (if possible) to wait until just before they discontinue support before I buy their software because at that point I know I am getting a fully tested software (getting good value for my money). So far it works very well for me. I will however upgrade the operating system as soon as I can not run a major software I am using on it. Win XP had this issue (MultiCharts would not run on it because it needed more memory). Drivers? I have never had to upgrade drivers yet and I was using the Commodor 64 as my first personal (non main frame) computer I was programming. In other words I have been around a while.

My strategy for non operating system software is different. Like maybe even most people do, sometimes I will buy a new release knowing realistically that there will be bugs and I feel it is worth the risk (exactly what I did with my Win7 purchases because Win XP did not provide enough memory and exactly what I did with BIAB 2022). With BIAB 2022 the risk worked out. I was able to workaround the plugin issues and get what I wanted. Not perfect but okay. I am sure PGmusic will correct the issues.

Brokerage software. I stay one release back. Many investors and traders do not like to risk their money any more than they have to.


Last edited by bowlesj; 12/25/21 11:11 PM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: