Regarding my last post obviously Software companies can not afford to wait until software is perfect before they release it. It's what they do after they release it that is important. So I was curious and I did two Google searches to find bug fix lists. One for PGmusic's BIAB and one for Micrsoft's Windows 7.

Google search: "where are band in a box bug fixes described"
Google hit:
Google Page Location: 2nd item down.

Google Search: "where are Windows 7 bug fixes described"
Google hit: Can't find anything comparable to the above on the first page. However with a lot of work I found this link which appears to be a bug fix after they stopped WIn 7 support (not of concern to me).
Google Page Location: NA.

So based upon this simple test it seems PGmusic has a different PR approach than Microsoft and I appreciate Pgmusic's approach a lot more. This simple test suggests Microsoft is trying to hide the fact that they are no different than other software companies. I would think that their operating system is typically larger and more complex than most software and thus would have more bugs than most software upon release. Maybe this scares MicroSoft.

The bottom line is the sooner you jump in to a new release the greater the risk you will spend a lot of time being a gamma tester dealing with bugs meaning you pay more (time is money). How each person chooses to spend their time and money is totally up to them.

Last edited by bowlesj; 12/26/21 05:04 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: