
im curious about sight readers.

im just a self taught pub/bar busker sax player.
i usually play 50s jump blues/rnr,rockabilly,motown and memphis stax stuff with bands or solo.
i did study a lot of the bebop stuff and classical stuff to get a better understanding of music rather than just pop music.

i can usually get away with reading the dots for the simple horn lines which go along with the style of these genres.
i usually have to learn any solos by listening over and over and thats ok, some classic solos are available in sheet music form so thats ok but i have to play over and over to learn them. if the solos dont warrant note for note interpretation i can busk them easy enough.

what id like to know is if somebody put the dots to some
charlie parker,coltrane,gillespie,monk,mingus etc , would you be able to read and play with no practice before hand.

im curious because i had an audition for a bebop band and they requested good sight reader,it was for a cruise ship contract type of thing, excellent pay.
anyway, i lost my nerve and didnt turn up for the audition, didnt think id be able to read the chicken feet off the bat.
its been on mind for over 5 years if i would have been able to pull it off(lol).

ive always wondered if these guys who play in the philharmonics and similar type orchestras/bands just turn up and read the dots and play with no practice type of thing.

rebuilt styles,songs and real tracks.
win 10...amd a10 radeon r6 4c+6g 1.8ghz
64 bit hp envy
biab 2023 with 1004 build. styles 1 to 429 plus extras 1,2,3,4 and 6.
running as admin,cleaned up returned to factory settings.