Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
I haven't even finished listening to this yet, but I have to say, you have a wonderful Loudon Wainright III vibe here. Partly this is because of the topic (some of his own songs are about his parents and death) but man, you have that sound, and I mean this in a very good way.
I'm sure I've probably heard some of Mr. Wainright's music sometime in the past, but I just can't remember. I will take it as a compliment. Thank you Mark.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Nice to meet the family.

Interesting write. And an interesting choice of RTs. The GypsyJazz soloist is a unique choice.
Vocals are nice. The overall package has a feel that could have come out of an old Victrola...cool.
I don't hear the LWIII vibe that Mark noted (I have a ton of his records - meaning LWIII, not Mark) - I got more of a Tom Lehrer or Mark Russell vibe... good company any way you slice it.

You've covered a lot of different styles in your posts so far. Looking forward to what comes next...

Cool stuff.

Thanks Floyd, I'll have to look up those guys you mentioned, and listen to their music.
I played this song for a friend, and she asked about the Island mentioned in the 1st verse...
I explained, that I was a Navy brat, born in Pearl Harbor...

Win-11; BiaB-2024-latest Beta;
Cakewalk; Melodyne-5; Scaler 2; NI Komplete:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20