Good song!!! Dark and brooding, musically, excellent lyrics. The versions are different, both good, the BIAB version is more meaty, that's all. The backing track in the BIAB version sounds a little like what I would expect from an Eminem backing track :-) ... but it works!

If I'm to be 100% honest, I would say that I miss hearing more vulnerable songs from you. Songs like "If You Stay", "If I Stop Loving You" or countless others where you just break our hearts with that kind of vulnerability. However: just because I prefer those doesn't mean that this other kind of song isn't great, too - it really is, and I really admire your versatility - you're not a "one-trick pony" at all, which is brilliant. It's just a preference thing, though: when I think "Deej", I think "Prayer to the World", "If You Stay", "I've Got The Moon", even (so much kindhearted humour in that one, whilst still staying vulnerable), etc. etc. etc.

But you keep doing you. It's like saying I prefer cakes; of course I would, but if I ate ONLY cakes, that wouldn't be good at all, either :-) ... and it does NOT mean that, just because it's a different kind of meal, it's not at least just as good! So you keep treating us with whatever you enjoy doing, at any given time, of course ... just don't forget the vulnerability, from time to time? ;-)

Bravo :-)