I've set up the first verse and chorus in a song and have changed 2 separate bars from a 4/4 to 2/4 count (thanks to Rharv). I now want to copy and paste the 1st verse and chorus a number of times to complete the song. I find that the bars with the count changes are not copied and all the bars pasted are 4/4 time - the meter map doesn't show any extra count changes

I've got 'events' ticked in the 'copy' dialog box (all ticked actually except 'use data filter' - the song is all real tracks). The help pages are silent on this type of copy (at least there was nothing I could find).

I assume that it can't be done and I will have to manually add the rest of the song. Is this the case?


Macbook, 2.4 GHz, Lion OSX, 4mb RAM running Windows 7 through a Bootcamp partition,
750Gb 7,200 RPM hard drive, Ultra Pack fully installed on HD