Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
A YouTube side note.

As of this spring YT reserves the right to monetize your uploads if they so choose and even if you are not a YT partner. And you receive ZERO income. And only as a partner can you receive the income and if you choose turn off the ads. Being a partner requires 5,000 followers and around a zillion plays.

So...they monetized our most popular songs. Great ... now our friends and family can watch a prostate or gut ad before seeing our vid.

I was so POed I opened a subscription account to Vimeo and uploaded all our work there. It's a great site and offers higher quality streaming and after the above I do not mind paying for it.


YouTube is not a great company to us normal musicians. If you have over a billion views like Taylor Swift, who indeed has several videos in the billion view club, you make a fortune from the ad revenue. Otherwise you just pad the YouTube pocket. Granted it takes a lot, a whole lot, of views to earn ad revenue. The advertisers are paying for eyes and clicks not 1000 views by friends and family.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.