Too Cool, Peter! Thanks for pulling that tutorial. I have been spending all of my time learning BIAB that I put down Real Band until I got better with BIAB. However, based on this tutorial it looks like RB will do some things that I have been wanting to do along with the visual screens to see the parts as they play. I particularly liked the "Fade record" function where you lowered the mandolin solo at the end. One of the reasons I have not used solos is because often times their endings do not seem to resolve the way I want them to. With this, I can fade the solo during the track without having to either play the solo to the end to fade or accept the break where I stop the solo.

I do have a suggestion on your tutorials. Because they have been very resourceful for folks like me, would it be possible to add some new ones that speak of the features that are new to 2010 as well? I suppose that may be for the Wish List board. Sorry.
