Originally Posted By: Bob Calver
why do you need to hear the kontakt piano as you record? it's midi and although it may sound better than the BIAB patch, the velocity and pitch information you play in to record will be the same so the BIAB piano will respond to your keyboard touch. then on playback you can use the kontakt piano. or am i missing something?

Thanks for your reply.
The reason I need to hear my Kontakt, or whatever it may be (eg anything from my N.I. Complete Suite) is that I may be using a patch in that Kontakt etc which I designed for a specific playing style or particular song.

If I am constrained to only being able to monitor the internal instrument provided by BIAB it's not allowing me to record the performance with true 'emotion' or such; ie a generic synth pad may sound basically ok, but if in fact I have a very specific synth pad in one of my 3rd party instruments, and when trying to record for that instrument, I am only hearing the onboard BB instrument which is quite different, I won't get a recording that expresses what I want.

This would seem to be one of the most obvious things to me...that what we play is generally, to a point, dictated to or influenced by, the instrument we can hear.

Regarding the post-link you offered, thanks for that but I had seen it previously, and it seems to be addressing the fact that the OP couldn't get her midi keyboard to trigger anything in BB. I can trigger/play both BB instruments (on Thru Track) AND Kontakt instruments (on a Utility Track)from my midi kybrd, but as soon as I go into record mode the Kontakt instrument is not heard, only the BB instrument which is on Thru track.

To sum up, what I want is to know how to monitor/hear my 3rd party instruments during recording in BB.
Maybe it's not possible, but it seems ridiculous that we need to listen to an instrument other than the one we want when recording...

Hopefully someone else has had this specific issue and knows a fix...

WRITING LOUNGE-MacBookPro-16Gb RAM OSX 10/15.7 |M-AUDIO Air 192-14|Studio One 5 Pro|BIAB Pro 2022|Guitars&Keyboards Etc || STUDIO ROOM -MacStudio M1 MAX 32Gb RAM OSX 12.6 Monterey|Allen&Heath QU16 A/D Mixer|Studio One 5 Pro|BIAB Pro 2022|Alesis DM10 Drums