Hey all

New to the forums. I purchased BIAB back in 2015 and didn't use it all that much, but I've planned some new content that BIAB would be great for, so I upgraded to 2022.

I had a few problems with the program back in the day, but they didn't really matter. Now it's for professional stuff, it's a big deal.

So, help a brother out.

I made a test file, just 2 bars of C followed by 2 bars of F repeated several times. Using the Soda Morning Pop Real Tracks (if that matters).

For whatever reason, the track plays great for the first 12 bars, lots of C - Csus4 embellishments. Then suddenly it starts treating that I chord as Lydian, giving me F#s all over the C chord. I can't work out why it's doing that, or how I stop it.

I also noticed that randomly on one of the C chord... it plays a huge Db in the bass. It sounds awful (obviously) and I can't use it.