Hi Russell,

I use both Realband and Sonar Home Studio for assembling a final track. As you point out, because Realband interfaces with BIAB like a hand in a glove, there are a large number of advantages in using RB. I use the programs for writing songs as follows...

1. Use BIAB to work out a chord progression and to find a style.

2. Load the song into RB to play around with Realtracks. This includes finding suitable RTs that were not included in the BIAB style as well as threading a soloist through musical breaks.

3. Export all the tracks as WAV files and load into Sonar for mixing. While mixing can be done in RB, I am more familiar with Sonar and I like using envelopes for volume, panning and adding reverb.

What I suggest, is that you have a look at the following streaming tutorial on RB.

NOTE: If you cannot get the video happening, go to the below URL and, about half-way down the webpage on the left is a link to a codec that needs to be installed.



Audiophile BIAB 2024