In my case, the selected style is _BREATH.STY (I tested with others so it doesn't seems to matter). The specific track I have problems with is an added soloist realtrack, 3723 Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopSoulGritSlow128Brent Sw 040. Since the song tempo is 92 BPM, and the realtrack is for 40, I set the RT time-base to half-time.

For the realtrack with the halftime time-base I can regenerate the whole track or a part if it is from the song start. If I select a part in the middle of the song either with Ctrl+F8 from the Chord Sheet or via the Regererate Part dialog (Alt+F8) the result is that the audio is deleted from that part.

Windows 11 Pro, Cubase Pro 11, Band In A Box 2023 Ultra PAK….