Hey HearToLearn,

This is a pretty awesome modern pop song! Is this all BIAB? Certainly has a very contemporary feel to it (unlike the more "classic" sounds of 99.9% of BIAB songs here in the showcase and pretty much ALL of my BIAB songs!)

I'm def no mixing expert, depending mostly on iZotope tools and presets for my mixes, so I have nothing to offer except high praise for the overall effort and maybe a couple of thoughts based on personal preferences.

1) Based on other pop music I'm listening to, this song might benefit from more dynamics. Maybe in the form of quieter/louder sections and/or additional instruments making very brief appearances as garnish.

2) To me, the bridge vocals seem too fast. I like the dynamic effect of the fast (double-time?) vocals but they seem too fast. Maybe they got speeded up when you sped it up to 135?

But again, those are just my personal observations. Your song is quite good and is a Shining Example of pop music in BIAB (assuming of course it was built in BIAB!)