"Thank you very much! Now I can transfer the track from Biab to Reaper. "

Hallelujah !

I am glad you stuck with it and got it all working, now things will be so easy because you put in a bit of hard work and determination.

To stop Notepad popping up in the way each time, open any text file, make the window small and move most it off the screen then save the text file and close.
So next time it will open in a small window off to the side out of the way.

Just as TTa59 stuck with it and was determined to get it working, so to should PG step out of their comfort zone and make some quantum leaps.

It would be good if PG allowed this to work easy without users having to go through this process, of hacking menus and AutoHotkey, PLEASE.
I pray to God they see the light and the prosper into what Biab should be, an industry standard GOTO for any studio big or small.