Actually David. It had nothing to do with Project Frankenstein. That drone you saw was actually a UFO. You need to upgrade the security cameras you guys installed on my house.

The UFO was not unknown to me, only to the government. Those government guys are such butt heads we refuse to talk to them. Living here in the Bermuda Triangle, many unexpected things happen. Add the close proximity to the know the answer to that issue.

Also, while we are on the subject, those off-pitch notes you played the other day are causing unwanted oscillations in the project I can not name.

On a brighter note, I have been informed that the whiskey still is back up and running. Everything is robotic, including the former human employees. I have managed to make everything perfectly safe and have added chemicals that stop the effect of alcohol when touching the steering wheel of a car.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo