more from actual words

Originally Posted By: Oliver Anthony
it's crazy to me because uh
I remember back in June I played here
for about 20 people and um
but that's that's the beautiful part of
this country though is even an idiot
like me can make something happen so if
I can do it you can do it
before we start singing
and I mean we because I hope you all are
going to be singing too
I just had something I felt compelled to
share with you
this is in a song
Psalm 37
the wicked plot against the righteous
and gnashed their teeth at them but the
Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows
their day is coming
the wicked draw the sword and bend the
bow to bring down the poor and needy to
sway those whose ways are upright
but their swords will pierce their own
hearts and their bows will be broken
better the little that have
than the wealth of many Wicked
for the power of the wicked will be
broken but the Lord upholds the
the blameless spend their days under the
Lord's care and their inheritance will
endure forever
in times of disaster they will not
a days of famine they will have plenty
but the Wicked Will perish
though the Lord's enemies are like the
flowers of the field
they will be consumed and they will go
up and smoke