I absolutely Love It !
All that's happening I saw years back, it's Big, Very, Very Big.
It's all playing out verbatim as I have shown.
What were those lyrics in Knopfler's Industrial Disease ?
They're pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind

I want my
I want my
I want my C N N

Look what's happened to poor Canada, I used to love it, I was invited over there recently but had to say no as I saw what's been happening over there because Canadians are so polite and don't speak up and out.
It's much the same in Australia where most just go along as they are used to it, being a penal colony it's partially genetics and partially cultural.
When the US is taken back watch everything change world wide, I saw massive celebrations in the street like when the US liberated France. The world follows the US. That's why the world is **&^( up right now. Watch it all be exposed and cleaned out on both sides of politics, watch governments fall, watch all the resignations, justice and vindication brought forth.

You can choose from:
massive propaganda,
or intel,
or Godtel.
What did Kim Clement say in 2007 ?
What did his Bass player say recently ?

So far what I see happening is the Godtel, no matter what people say or think it just keeps happening, there is no stopping whats is coming.

It's a GOD sting operation smile
There are good ideas and there are GOD ideas.