Originally Posted by Mike Halloran
You can use an SR to register a PA Published for a single song—there's a box to check. The Rights Holder(s) must be the same. It does not work in reverse. If the Rights Holder(s) are different for the song and the sound recording, separate forms must be filed. Unless…

There are new rules for albums where the songs are released together that I've linked to already and they include artwork.

Multiple Unpublished Works can be registered on the same form. Again, I've covered this already.

Thanks Mike. I think my cost saving strategy will be as follows:

- GRUW (Group Registration of Unpublished Works) for 5-7 songs: $85
- Release each song as a single, one a month
- After 4 months, release an EP with 5-7 songs
- GRAM (Group Registration of an Album of Music) for those 5-7 songs, with album artwork: $65 x 2 (need to register Publishing (PA) and Master (SR) separately)

The disadvantage is that 2 or 3 of those songs will be "unprotected" (3 month from publication rule), until the GRAM is registered. Though this is most likely a non-issue.