Here is a light-hearted song about a husband who gets drunk and fails to get the provisions in for Christmas lunch !!

I wrote the words and the melody.
I used 464 Bossa Bass , 918 Piano Cha-Cha, 708 Nylon Guitar Bossa and Real Drums Bossa Brushes
The Synth V Vocalists are "Hayden" and "Solaria".
I mixed it in Cubase.

Bread and Cheese for Christmas

Bread and cheese for Christmas, got no turkey, no mince pies
No cake or Christmas pudding, I can’t believe my eyes
Bread and cheese for Christmas, no crackers, wine or beer,
The Ocado man has crashed his van , no Christmas cheer this year.

We left the shopping order late, the wife’s misunderstanding
I thought the list could not be missed, but she left it on the landing,
The orders were clear, as she bent my ear, go out and get some grub,
I’m not impressed, I’m getting dressed and I’m going down the pub.

Many hours later my eyes are seeing double
I staggered to the local Tesco I’m really in some trouble
To my despair, the freezers bare so it’s cheddar and a bloomer,
I hope the wife won’t give me strife and retain her sense of humour.

Bread and cheese for Christmas, got no turkey, no mince pies
No cake or Christmas pudding, I can’t believe my eyes
Bread and cheese for Christmas, no crackers, wine or beer,
The Ocado man has crashed his van , no Christmas cheer this year.

Through the garden gate I go, I’m seeing two front doors,
Two keys, two locks, two houses – I’m crawling on all fours.
On the step she’s standing , she’s not looking too amused,
I really can’t be blaming her, I should never get so boozed

Bread and cheese for Christmas, got no turkey, no mince pies
No cake or Christmas pudding, I can’t believe my eyes
Bread and cheese for Christmas, no crackers, wine or beer,
The Ocado man has crashed his van , no Christmas cheer this year.
No Christmas cheer this year.

Happy Holidays to all !!