Originally Posted by Notes Norton
But AI is still growing. Who can predict how fast and how far? Will it someday write a symphony as creative as the masters and not be obviously derivative?

I guess we have to 'stay tuned' to find out.
Good point.
If I put my romantic, poetic, musical and perhaps mystical hat on, I hope that an AI will never create a symphony as good as Beethoven or any other master. I revere these brilliant musical geniuses; I can't see myself revering an AI bot.

But when I put my technocrat/engineering hat on; then logic, cognitive reasoning, an understanding of history and a quest for truth prevent me from putting my head in the sand and adopting a wishful thinking stance. Clear-eyed I must be.

Herein is the quandry. I suppose this is one price I pay for being a thinking, pondering human . . . or am I really a bot ? smile I wonder if anyone else has this split-thinking going on.

[Actually, I can't be a bot, a bot would play much better bass smile ]

It's been said that Shakespeare is regarded as a master of human emotion. I wonder what he and Einstein would have to say on this subject.

BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.