Ohh it will take quite a lot to offend me smile Please don't worry about that.

New Multipicker Library is far better than everything what we had before. Sure, it does have a few known issues, hopefully they are fixed in no time.
You mentioned "number of clicks". Take your time pinpoint exactly where you need more clicks and write it here when you are ready.
Filtering it seems the same as with previous pickers, and while I am not in "love" with it, it works as expected. We would all benefit from "nested" filtering, but that is good topic for another thread.
You mentioned:
"I don't know how others use it but I use it as an ideas pad where I can trial things quickly without multiple clicks"
Me too. And new 2024 version is better than anything that we had before. I am a bit sick now, but I will record a better video when I get better. Meanwhile, please watch my short clip. Maybe it will give you some ideas of workflow using new MTP Library: