I'm diverse enough to not be too hung up on separating genres into their own packs, but I do feel like I'm wasting money on bundles I really don't need.

For example, the bonus 49 pack could be priced much more attractively if it only contained real tracks, drums & styles and left the 'Artist Performance Set 16 (Songs with Vocals), Instrumental Studies 21, MIDI SuperTracks Sets 40,43, Look Ma! More MIDI 12, and more' for those who required that. My style and track pickers have permanently been filtered to ignore midi tracks and that's not about to change. Then there's RealBand and other updates that I will never use but naturally factored into the overall pricing.

If it wasn't for the performance upgrade (what was the point about the 64-bit version in 2020?) and the need to upgrade every year to qualify for Plus Pack I'd be sticking with version 2023. I already skipped getting extra style packs as it just dilutes the style picker and I'll be skipping the 49 pack this year as the price is too high for me to justify with cost of living increases. I'm not wanting to appear unfriendly or anything, just sharing (hopefully valued) feedback with the PGM team. All I want are useful features and additional tracks without too much repetition in the style picker. (And one or two YouTube videos instead of the abomination of repeated content that currently spams my subscriptions page). wink