In the past I have tried this: I learn the song in bits and pieces. Once I get the intro down, I move on to the next part and so on. Each time I move to the next part I play through what I already leaned which reinforces it and then tackle the new part.

Slow down. Learn to play it slowly, as slow as you can really. Once you have the muscle memory, then start adding speed until you get to performance speed. This to me is vital. I like playing fingerstyle pieces, Chet Atkins, Tommy Emmanuel, Jerry Reed etc. They are best learned slowly. Once you have all the parts working together properly you can speed it up and your fingers know where to go and very soon it is automatic and you can then expand, improvise etc. There are songs I have been playing for 40 years, that I can just play, without even thinking about because the muscle memory is so ingrained.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.