Hi Marty, Floyd, David and Bob,

Thanks for your messages and listening/watching the song.
It was the first video I made with moving scenes and a different way of adding lyrics in it. Took me hours, but I have learned a lot.
The fun parts were adjusting the images to the audio. That went well for the piano and the violin.
Because of that 'live audience' software, I had to add a band, as I wrote. And some silly stuff, like that cat.
But you all liked it, as I could see from your reactions. Thanks for that!

Originally Posted by BabuMusic
Hey, Hans, I just listened a few times, but found nothing wrong. Ha! Thanks so much for letting me hear this song as it was progressed, and, man, I really like how you make video, too. I'm with ChatGPT or whoever said apps was a good word for text. There are a lot of different apps to use for text. Text is about the words and apps is about the software. Nuf said.

Marty, when I send you that first concept of this song, you reacted very kindly (as usual), but then the song was not even close to the result now. But you asked for a song to review, so I had to hurry.
I read you were amazed the audience admit there was something wrong (in my head), but now you wrote you could find nothing of that anymore. Was the audience wrong???
And thanks for confirming that the use of the word "app" wasn't that bad.

Originally Posted by floyd jane
You wrote your hearbreak well. I feel your pain.
Good tracks. Well mixed. Good vocals.

Floyd, like you, I sing a lot about things that did not really happen, but they could have. And on rare occassions you /I sing the truth ;-)
But we make songs people like. Yours more than mine, but still... and I am glad you liked this one and felt that heartbreak. Thanks!

Originally Posted by dcuny
Hi, Hans.
Believe it or not, computer programs can be wrong. wink
What (else) do I think can be improved?
Nothing comes to mind. Good write, cool production. I enjoyed listening! smile

David, if you say computers can be wrong, I agree. I don't do that with everyone, of course, but I consider you as our Wizz kid!
If you had seen the video I'm sure you would have some advice on the do's and don'ts, ore have you seen it...?

Originally Posted by rsdean
Great song and great video. Your vocal is really outstanding on this one. You have a touch of John Lennon in your singing and it sounds excellent.
Awesome mix - love this production!

Bob, thanks for bringing John up again. Bud and Janice would be delighted if they read that. And actually, I am too!
To tell you the truth: I had a cold some days before and you could still hear that, or at least, I can. Maybe that makes my vocals better, having a cold???
Thanks a lot for your nice comment.


Hans Berkhout