I've resolved the perceived issue with a little research. In 2018 I added several songs to Songtradr’s "monetization option." Quite a few of our songs were licensed for overhead music around the planet and those have generated a little income. I’m able to see which companies, e.g., Mood Media licensed them. There is also a “compilation album” section and apparently this song was licensed through it although ST does not indicate the specific album. So nothing has been misappropriated ... so I can spend those couple of bucks in joy. smile

I would like to mention that all this is for fun. I’ve been retired for 25 years and could care less about income from our music. It’s all about the positive aspects of knowing that folks other than family and friends like our efforts. And hey, 10,000 plays on streaming platforms over the last year earned us a whopping $38.21. smile
