Hello Hans

"If you think I, and Marty are offenders of 'good' taste," [/i]

I didn't say that Hans.

"why don't you feel challenged to provide my song with a video as you envision it?"[i]

IOW, Put up or SFU. I get it Hans. I would probably say the same thing to a smug, pompous Newbie upstart.

"I invite you to show how to create the videos you have in mind."[/i]

Well Hans, I no longer bother doing videos for myself yet alone anyone else.

"Let me know if you accept that challenge!"[i]

Geez Hans calm down. Take a few deep breaths and if you are so inclined read on..................
My personel view about matching images to lyrics is that they detract from my own personal interperatation of what the lyrics say to me (the listener). Quality lyrics often tend to be somewhat metaphorical which allows the listener to "own" the song which results in a far more personal and satisfying experience . Likewise successful music videos tend to follow the same ambiguous format which allows the viewer to discover their own personal relevence to the product.
Most people do not want to be spoonfed with silly pictures. A music video on YouTube with a simple single, nice and relevent picture
with scrolling lyrics will often result in just as many views (if not more) than many a video which obviously took much time and effort to make.


"I don't mind critics at all. That's why we have this forum."[i][/i]
It is always a fine balancing act not to cause offence but I have seen many forums slide into a "mutual admiration society" and wither on the vine.
Polite constructive criticism is the lifeblood and intelectual stimulus of a healthy forum IMO. My favourite Idiom is "a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"
You will all have a chance to get your revenge when I post my first song.