Originally Posted by rayc
I love the way you let the organ scream in the background.
The hard panned guitars are right for the "power" soaked sound & feel...besides they leave a lot of space for the organ and fabulous vocal performance.
"...wings of fire or feet of clay
black or white or shades of gray
I'm with you either way
trouble or fun."
That's a bunch of lines that state a case for raunchy guitars and mayhem,
Well done.

Thanks, ray. You know way more about these styles of music than I do - so I appreciate the encouragement...

Originally Posted by Scott C
Very cool song Floyd. Really like those driving guitars in the backtrack. Loved the groove. As always excellent vocal and lyric. Well done

Thanks, Scott...

Originally Posted by jannesan
Nice rocker, those rhythm guitars together with that RD create a pleasant rhythmic bed. Lyrically no trouble, just good fun.
The organ and guitar soloist do great work together.
Powerful vocal performance.
Miracles happen, great visit beyond the normal agenda.


Janne - thanks for the nice comments. Always appreciated...