First on the list - kill RB (sorry old guys).
Most new users are MAC people. They don’t care about RealBand

Logic, Reaper, Abelton, Pro tools- the environments serious music software needs live in.

Quit trying to sell a DAW. If it works so well with BIAB make those features work in the plug in for mainstream DAW’s.

IMO BIAB’s growth future is as a plugin to the above environments.

Don’t rebuild the standalone UI. That’ll take million$. Instead Phase it out by attrition.
As suggested by others. Fix the broken stuff, simplify(not rebuild) the UI.

Spend dollars on the future, not the past.
Real Tracks, Super MIDI, Styles . Those things are what makes BIAB great.

Most computer users use a phone most of the time. DAW’s are available for tablets now. Don’t miss the coming convergence of software to the mobile OS platforms.
Not sure what the stratedgerie to do this is, but recognize in a few years phones will have all the cpu/gpu/ram they need to run this stuff.

Logic Pro X