
Why don't you actually TRY IT OUT for awhile and see for yourself what you might like or dislike about it?

Up to Mac's challange I plugged in my drive and opened RB. After answering the setup questions, I loaded up a BIAB song I have been rethinking. It took a minute or two to render everything before I clicked play. "Okay, what's up here", I said to myself and clicked some button on the top left.


... open up the program again and it says, "RB crashed, would you like to use default settings?". Yep, I would. Oh, we have to set it up again... ok. Load up the song... 1-2 minutes later press play.
"Alright, let's try right clicking the guitar track too see what's behind door 1"


So I reboot the computer and repeat above proceedure but load a song created with the 2010.5 version. right click a track... interestinhg... hey where is the solo button? I want to listen to the guitar more closely. So I switch to the mixer view.... no solo button... oh it must be these check marks....


Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Didn't open a song this time but entered some chords in the chord grid. I pressed play to see what I would get....


So, In 30 minute of playing with RB, I see what I was missing

This machine can run Sonar 8 Producer all day without a hiccup. BIAB never burps either. I think I'll leave RB in the box.