Im so glad Im just a basic songwriter who uses biab as I find it.In other words I havent the faintest idea what you are all talking about.Sgt Pepper was recorded on 8 track with none of the techno we have today and is regarded as the greatest ever album(yeah I know some here might differ)but thats by most musicians and record producers etc.Im not saying I dont like new technology I do but sometimes it gets in the way of our creative juices.. a bit like the red tape you find in government departments.BIAB 2011 is another step up in giving us songwriters and musicians another push to get things done and having already started when I got BIAB 2010 now this has turned up Im just putting down some chords on a new song knowing there are some more great soloists to listen to and enjoy.Cheers Frankie

AMD Athlon 7550 dual core
processor 2.51 ghz
1 87 gb ram
windows 7 Ultimate
yamaha rev 500 effects
tacam DP-24 DAW
Samson Resolv NF monitors
Yamaha PSR-620 Keyboard
Fender semi accoustic guitar