OK, you already have several wonderful ways to add lyrics to a song. But I'm too lazy to enter them a word at a time. I want to cut and paste the whole text file at once. I have been using the COMMENTS textbox for this purpose.

But the problem is that this box does not scroll with the song, and lyrics don't always fit in the box... which means that toward the end of the song, I can no longer see the lyrics.


It would be awesome if the Comments screen was aware of the song tempo, and assumed that one line of text should line up with N bars (N being a user variable)

This would provide a VERY FAST way to dump a whole song's lyrics into the comments screen...
put carriage returns every N bars...
and set the user variable to N...

and in seconds you'd have lyrics that followed the song beautifully.. WITHOUT having to enter each word individually!

an alternate (but slightly less controllable) suggestion is to have an option for the comments window to scroll a line every N seconds (N being a variable that the user can set in a dialog box)