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Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
how would it ‘count’ to answer them?

That would probably be a forum mod decision. My point is only that when one when full page of a post is replies from the originally poster, that is excessive. In your example, if I had a question like "What particular variation of Latin rhythm is that", I would ask in private anyway. But that's me. A lot of people know nothing more about using a computer than "hit the reply button".

Accepting that I am a fairly crusty SOB, it may be only me who takes exception to someone being so transparent that it matters SO MUCH that their song stay on page one. After 8-10 days, it's over and time to post a new song.

I take exception to a lot of things in life that others don't care about. Drive in the left lane in front of me some time and go exactly the speed limit. You will have ample opportunity to guess what pitch my horn is. Others don't care about someone blocking the fast lane on the highway. I do. In fact I believe I invented road rage back in the 60s.

See? Crusty. mad

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Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
Maybe we should see how many folks would like to see the forum not to “bump” a post for a reply by the original poster?

We like things just as they are. It's an internet forum. It should not join the transient social media movement. I don't care if somebody wants to bump their post to their heart's desire. I have a it or don't. What is the big deal? Just ignore it if you think it not appropriate. I gotta be missing something here...a situation for which I have ample precedent smile


PS I've been an admin on a board and a moderator for years on a very large board with much more activity than here. The notion of limiting an OP's subsequent posts never came up.

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#468776 04/24/18 07:44 AM
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Eddie, brace yourself, I kinda agree with you on part of this! smile

I rarely visit the showcase but when I have I always find it frustrating when an old song is at the top of the list just because somebody bumped it. I don't care who bumped it, the songwriter or someone who commented, but when I'm looking for the latest stuff it is hard to find in the showcase.

As for the songwriter commenting on each comment or doing it in a single post I really don't care. I think it is perfectly reasonable when you receive a public comment to respond publicly. And I think "attaboy/girl" comments are just fine since we can't expect full critiques here.

My bottom line is I agree with JoanneCooper that this should be set up so the last song submitted is at the top of the list and all songs are in order of submission regardless of the comments. If it was like this I'd visit from time to time to see new stuff and maybe even post an "attaboy/girl"! laugh

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Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
when I'm looking for the latest stuff it is hard to find in the showcase...


I have a hard time "keeping up there" because of the number of new songs appearing on a daily basis.
The alternate model could easily and would result in a new song disappearing from the opening page often in less than 24 hours. Folks new to forum and folks with limited time would never see it.

Also PG Music features songs on their opening page under Hot Topics and on facebook and this can also result in "bumping" as they stay on the featured page for sometimes a week.

With all due respect I see all this as a solution for which there is no problem.

OK, off to bump a few smile


PS If you haven't been around there are quite a few new posters.

Last edited by Janice & Bud; 04/24/18 07:58 AM.

You can listen to our catalog on Apple Music or Spotify by searching on Janice Merritt
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Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
when I'm looking for the latest stuff it is hard to find in the showcase...


I have a hard time "keeping up there" because of the number of new songs appearing on a daily basis.


Well, I'll admit I have not even looked there in a long time so maybe I'm wrong but when I first started with BIAB I'd find the same songs I had already checked out kept appearing at the top of the list because of how the forum works. On other music sites where the last song in is the first in the list I find that a lot easier.

Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Eddie, brace yourself, I kinda agree with you on part of this! smile

Dude, that's like twice this year we agreed on something!!!

Usually, you are wrong.... grin

#468782 04/24/18 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Eddie, brace yourself, I kinda agree with you on part of this! smile

Dude, that's like twice this year we agreed on something!!!

Usually, you are wrong.... grin

Actually, as Bud just pointed out, I'm wrong when I agree with you! laugh

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Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
when I'm looking for the latest stuff it is hard to find in the showcase...


I have a hard time "keeping up there" because of the number of new songs appearing on a daily basis.
The alternate model could easily and would result in a new song disappearing from the opening page often in less than 24 hours. Folks new to forum and folks with limited time would never see it.

Also PG Music features songs on their opening page under Hot Topics and on facebook and this can also result in "bumping" as they stay on the featured page for sometimes a week.

With all due respect I see all this as a solution for which there is no problem.

OK, off to bump a few smile


PS If you haven't been around there are quite a few new posters.

Ok, so to illustrate my point, I just went to the showcase for the first time in a loooong time. And I found that, of the first 10 songs, only one was posted today! The rest are from yesterday, a few days ago and even as far back as a couple of weeks ago! I'd rather see what was posted today followed by yesterday and so on!

Is there a setting maybe where I could order posts by original submission date instead of by latest comment date?

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
What is the big deal?

Let's just say you are one of the people who DO care if their song is on page one or page 2, because it's pretty much a given that visitors don't check beyond page 1. Would YOU like to be the one, again assuming you care about such things for sake of discussion, whose post was last and was bumped to page 2 because of yet another gratuitous post bump to a 3 or 4 week old post?

The notion of limiting an OP's subsequent posts never came up.

Limiting the number of posts would not be necessary if on that one forum a banal reply would not change the priority and move it to the top of the pile. That is kind of what Joanne said as well. Leave then chronological.

For me, I scroll through until there are no more new posts. If I see a new song posted by a writer with whom I am familiar, I will listen. Depending on how much time I am willing to spend I listen to a few from people I don't know as well. After all that's the only way to learn who is good and who isn't. And I will leave honest, constructive criticism. When it includes "maybe consider trying this on the next one" type criticism, that goes in private.

#468787 04/24/18 08:15 AM
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I am only an occasional participant in the user show case and my the problem is compounded. I sometimes listen on the go on my phone and so I don’t comment when I listen (typing on my phone is not always easy).

Then I see an “oldish” song at the top of the forum and I can’t remember whether I commented or not and have to go through 20 pages of comments to look for my own comment so as to not look like an idiot by posting two comments on the same song....maybe that is just me though (being a bit scatty).

I also think the way that the forum currently works “could” put new participants off rather than encourage them ... (but that is just a theory and we would have to hear the opinion of some new participants)

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#468791 04/24/18 08:32 AM
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See the attachment below. It looks like there's a feature to sort this at the bottom of the forum page.

When I set that up however, it appears to not have worked correctly.

Maybe the forum moderators could take a look at that feature.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
Untitled.png (8.63 KB, 479 downloads)


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sslechta #468802 04/24/18 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted By: sslechta
See the attachment below. It looks like there's a feature to sort this at the bottom of the forum page.

When I set that up however, it appears to not have worked correctly.

Maybe the forum moderators could take a look at that feature.

Steve, it does work correctly if you remember to hit the change button. The answer was there all along. All the new posts are in order. I personally will never use this feature as I like things as they are. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Last edited by tommyad; 04/24/18 09:53 AM.
#468809 04/24/18 10:18 AM
And you have to take that setup step every time you visit the web page. I tested and it works but does not retain the sort option.

#468830 04/24/18 11:11 AM
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Ok, so here is a solution.

1) Copy the link below or go to it by clicking it.

2) Once there set that as a new shortcut in your browser.

3) Now, every time you wish to view the showcase in the order of latest post first (ignoring those "bumpy" commented posts), just click your new shortcut. It should stay sorted as long as you stay on the showcase thread.

4) And when you wish to view the forum sections normally just click around as usual.

Eddie, you have to admit you like me a little bit better now, right? laugh

Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Eddie, you have to admit you like me a little bit better now, right? laugh

First rule of the streets, admit to nothing.... smile

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Originally Posted By: floyd jane
On the other hand, the Showcase continues to attract more and more users.

It is warm, inviting, encouraging.

Obviously, the people who make it that way are good with the "way it works" - as demonstrated by their posts in this thread

Floyd, I totally agree.

Here's my take on this thread...

The Users Showcase forum began in 2010 and since that time it has grown and grown and grown. As I see it, the reason it's so popular now is because users feel confident that they can post a song and that the responses to their song will be respectful and that the person posting will not be singled out for ridicule.

  • In other words, people feel safe when they use Users Showcase.

The reason for the forum's success is largely because of long-time regulars who take the time to respond to the work of others. In 2017, long-time users who regularly commented on the work of others were:

Videotrack, David Snyder, Al David, furry, Joanne Cooper, 44fl, F.M.M., Robertkc, Janice & Bud, floyd jane, Scott C, jannesan, Rob4580, Animarorecords, RnAM, dani48, PeterF, Tommyad, rsdean, Torrey Bliss, ROG, Joanne Cooper, Sergio Guarneri, BlueAttitude, gruverider, Guitarhacker, Steve Young, Greg Johnson, Charlie Fogle, RichMac, Sundance.

Throughout 2017, most of these people spent a significant amount of time showing that they care. They collectively offered heaps of encouraging comments and made people feel welcomed and valued. Over the years, there have been many others who have also given considerable time and energy to the forum.

It is not an accident that in the above list, most of the forum's top song-posters in 2017 are also found. People who visit Users Showcase respect the above list of long-time forumites EXACTLY because of the way that they respond to those who post songs as well as the way that they respond to other users who listen to the songs these regulars posts.

  • Users Showcase is a not simply a forum, it’s a neighbourhood.

Because of this, posts and sequences of posts within a thread are more like conversation than commentary or critique. Also because of this, each individual poster who creates a thread should be able to conduct their conversation in whatever way they want. Everyone who uses the forum is free to treat it however they wish. It never has been a 'one size fits all' scenario.

  • It seems to me that what is being criticised in this thread is the mechanics that has made Users Showcase so popular.

Almost everyone who posts in the Showcase forum submits the very best work that they know how to prepare. Their effort is considerable and the above list of regulars have taken time to applaud individuals' achievements. Many in the above list also provide the forum with some of the most impressive work that uses PG Music products.

  • Shouldn't these people be commended rather than criticised?
  • Aren't the above regulars setting a positive tone for PG Music and the company's products?
  • Haven't these long-time users earnt enough right and respect to maintain any thread that they create in whatever way they see fit?

Any way I look at it, the reason that Users Showcase continues to grow positively and as a huge credit to PG Music is because of the way it presently operates and because of ALL the long-time users who take the time and make the effort to keep Users Showcase a generous and pleasant neighbourhood to visit.

....end of my take on it.


Audiophile BIAB 2024
#468878 04/24/18 12:17 PM
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Eddie, you keep replying to people individually and it bumps your post up. Send them a PM dude.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Eddie, you keep replying to people individually and it bumps your post up. Send them a PM dude.

How do you know I'm not? I will refrain from adding the word I wanted to add because it would have been all asterisks anyway.

#468964 04/24/18 03:05 PM
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Hi Eddie.

Fascinating thread.
I think the keys here are courtesy and common sense.
Some exercise them. Some don't.

"each individual poster who creates a thread should be able to conduct their conversation in whatever way they want." - Good one Noel.

I like to reply to each comment individually - I do it because I want to.
I like to comment on the odd song (not all) - if and when I feel like it.
I try not to tell other people what they should be doing.


#468977 04/24/18 03:24 PM
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<<< "...Then I see an “oldish” song at the top of the forum and I can’t remember whether I commented or not and have to go through 20 pages of comments to look for my own comment ">>>

A quick way to check on what post you've commented on and which you haven't: If you are signed in, from the drop down menu of 'MY STUFF' select POSTS. From that window, select 'MY POSTS' and you can sort the columns so that all the USER FORUM posts are together and any song you see, you've posted to....

I also use this feature when I'm in a rush to quickly check only the threads I've commented on and see if anyone has responded.

What is more frustrating to me than having to skip a post in the User Showcase that's been bumped is taking time to detail out a question or technique assisting someone having difficulty and they post a question or problem and they never come back to the post to let the forum know if it worked for them or provide any feedback. There is currently a thread created in another section of the forum where the poster posed a question, there are seven replies over a period of four days, including one from PGMusic staff and the original poster has never returned back to comment beyond asking the question. It's an interesting question that could help many forum members and could go into several different directions according to what the OP is trying to accomplish. But there's no direction from the OP. It's the opposite of the problem some have with bumping - rather than saying too much, well, let's just say there's no fun talking to yourself....

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