If you order baby anything on a credit card here the smart guys at the credit card company sell your profile to anyone. Then you get (remember this is Canada) offers for little snow gizmos you pull the kid in, playpens, Registered Education Funds (you get tax credits for Little Johnny and pay no taxes on the interest thing), etc. Ad nausem.

The thing is if you buy a car on your credit card (they only let me put 10 grand on it, but I got the air miles), you get car related stuff in the mail.

I have a shredder. Paper in, shredded paper out. I recycle about 3 pounds of paper a week, most of it flyers for automotive stores, best buy, Staples, etc. Furniture, I guess I need a fancy new arm chair soon, I wear one out every 3 or 4 years.

Fact of life.

At least my hospital didn't sell my medical diagnosis to funeral homes. Yet.

John Conley
Musica est vita