
Use the tool that gets the job done. I see Notes' point and I see Peter's point. Both are correct depending on the need and the situation. Can't control lights or get the exact refinement you may need wth RT's .. but you also can't replace a Brent Mason RT with MIDI.
Both have their place, and BiaB/RB offer both options. There's no reason to argue which is better if both are available.

+1 on that, too.

I'm not dissing RTs, they are simply one of the functions in BiaB that I don't use (does anyone use all the functions of BiaB?). And there is more than one right way to make music.

I'm disagreeing with the title "Unhappy with MIDI sounds" because MIDI has no sound at all, it all depends on the module that you are using to play back the MIDI sounds.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks