Originally Posted By: Curmudgeon
I was a mile away when this F5 tornado crossed in front of me in June 1953. Known as the Beecher tornado, 116 were killed and 844 injured.

At that time tornadoes were unheard of in Flint, Mi. Some folks recalled some high wind in 1937 that blew out some storefront glass. After 53, tornadoes were an annual fact of life in the area. I did a bit of storm chasing in the amateur radio ARES Sky Warn net, back in the day.

Beecher tornado http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2013/05/oklahoma_tornado_stirs_memorie.html

It is heart wrenching to see the present death and devastation.

Don S.

Other Don, I sent your link to Val and just received this reply:

"So glad to hear you are safe!!!! Yes I remember the Flint tornado well! We were living in Fenton (a suburb of Flint) at the time and my son was only 4 month old.
I was so worried after that tornado that I fixed a "box" in the basement to put him in should there be another tornado warning. Never had to use it. Thank goodness. Take care!"

I have come to know Val well enough to know that she will never be caught short the second time.

Last edited by Don Gaynor; 05/21/13 03:05 PM. Reason: Misspelled "be". That's always given me trouble.