Originally Posted By: Wyndham
I gladly accept the moniker of " narrow minded, fundamentalist , as I believe in and glory in the Deity of Jesus the Christ.
If Christ is not what he said he is, then I'll be dust for eternity, but if He is God,as I accept, then I have waiting for me, as well as others, glory with Him for eternity.
Anyone can write an opinion about God but ,IMHO, the creation can not create the creator.
As I make my living as a potter, my pottery that I make,did not make me.
The finite can not contain the infinite. People make religion. What Eisenstein or others say about God doesn't change who God is.
I'm not upset or bothered in any way by those here that don't believe in God and consider my beliefs simple or naive. Grace is a simple gift that is true.


Don S.