Originally Posted By: Noel96

If you choose Option 1 when you re-install, it will keep the hard drive installation to a minimum. I have read somewhere that that's in the order of 1 GB.

The 19 GB installation you have sounds like you might have chosen Option 2 to install.

Before reinstalling, it might pay to release your activation (under the Help menu). This shouldn't be necessary since you are not changing computers but it's something that I'd do.


Thanks just what the doctor ordered. I have changed my windows 10 settings to install all apps/programs to the d drive since my installation of BIAB. Before I uninstall BIAB I'm going to remove another program and see if it installs to the D drive by default.

The BIAB installation from the external drive they supply seems like option 1 is to leave everything on that external drive and install a minimum on the windows drive on your computer. I may be wrong but that is the way I understood. On my laptop that is the way I installed the Everything Pak 2015 and I had to leave that drive connected to run BIAB or RB.

Last edited by dga; 04/08/16 11:06 PM.

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