Originally Posted By: Robertkc
Floyd & Bill,
That`s a pretty complete list - might be straight from a preppers website!
I guess the first verse does make the tale a bit darker than the rest of the song... but hey, I`m a details guy, so I really enjoyed that grocery list!
Super vocal that captures the humour intended and very clean toe-tapping arrangement.


Robert - thanks for having a go at this...

Originally Posted By: dani48
Dear Floyd !

I had my laugh, but
maybe I should take it
a little more seriously
as there sure are people
preparing for armageddon
both here and there !

In any case a brilliantly
written and performed tune
as was expected also !:))

A most Merry X-mas to you
and your co writer and
a most Happy New Year too !


Thanks, Dani!