I have used Band in a Box for a long time and changed the computers many times. Upgraded many times.

Problem 1: When I upgrade - what exactly do I need to download?
Here is also a confusing thing - I have 2016 EverythingPak, should I then upgrade to 2017 EverythingPak? That would be the logical answer, same for same, but it seems that if I have bought 2016 EverythingPak and upgrades the same product, I get the same Everything again and I pay for it again.

You should make that clearer.

Problem 2: So I download it all because my old computer got pocked by pickers.
57 files, if I counted them correctly. Then I start:

1. click to mount
2. Click to open the DMG
3. Click the .pkg
4. click 'Continue' in the new dialog
5. click 'Continue' again
6. click 'Continue' again
7. click 'I agree'
8. click 'Install'
9. Enter my password <= AAAARGH! 57 times!!!
10. wait
11. click "Close"
12. Unmount the DMG

Then I repeat that 56 times

After I finish, hours later, I hope that I installed everything, that I did not accidentally skip some great style that I can identify with, so I try to look in the Applications folder, but of course they are spread out and the numbering does not match the DMG's so instead I just give up and work with what I've got, unable to ditch the feeling that the style I really wanted, the bass I am looking for, was left uninstalled.

I suggest three things, that can be either, or or both

1. Chained install, that a DMG looks for the next one and continues automatically
2. Much bigger DMG's put 10 in one
3. In program listing of what I have not installed, basically a list of everything you have to offer and checkmarks for what I have. That would be good also for sales

Another solution would be "on demand" install, when I choose that I just have the basic programs and stubs for all the styles and stuff. When I want to use them, they are being downloaded and installed. This would be by far the best option for all of us because then we only fill our machines with what we use and from your side, you do not have to serve us downloaders with more than what we need. The load on you servers would also be more evenly distributed.

BiB is great, but this download/install thing has annoyed me many times and I felt it was time to speak up.

Last edited by Ralof; 02/28/18 06:26 AM.