Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Even was I was 16 I was under the impression that if you have to use vulgarity to create a sense of shock, surprise or emotion you simply can't write.

Of course plenty of famous playwrights and scriptwriters use the f-bomb every other word, but I am most impressed by people who can scare the living infernal hades out of you without ever using one vulgar word.

I'm not sure how I feel about that one, personally. Shakespeare used some pretty colourful language from his day and age and he was incredibly popular. He was saying the then equivalent of the "F"-bomb. Admittedly, that terms today just sound downright silly. And to his credit, Shakespeare was writing a lot of his plays for the average citizen (usually the poor and hungry). So take from that what you will! grin But it appears that colourful language has been around and popular in "main-stream media" for quite some time.

I don't personally agree with its presence, but the occasional F-bomb doesn't bug me much in song writing.

Last edited by Ember - PG Music; 06/10/18 12:12 PM.
