
Thanks for posting this. In the last few days, I tried downloading the free version of Sample Tank 3. IK Multimedia told me there were only two files to deal with, but that isn't so. It downloads files in about five places. I never got it to work and I gave up.

So I posted about needing help with basic terminology. Some people suggested Windows for Dummies. Charlie turned me on to a Berklee course (which I have signed up for).

However, nothing I have found gives me the kind of of info you just posted. And this is the exact kind of thing I need to understand. But it is like reading Greek.

Is there a reference that will explain this kind of thing to me? How did you learn it?


i5-3210 laptop. Win 10 Home. 2.5ghz, 64 bit. 6gb RAM. Focusrite Scarlet 2i2.