Thanks Jim,

Think I might have got a sure fire way of doing this that will work regardless of windows changing the letter drive. Got it from someone on a windows forum, here is the reply, just in case it helps someone else.


A shortcut stored on the usb itself will run into problems if (as is likely) ther usb has a different drive letter on each computer. A shortcut has to contain the full path including the drive letter.

An approach that will work regardless of the drive letter is to use a .bat file to start your programme. Create a text file containing the command....

START \folder\sub-folder\program.exe

(obviously, use the correct path and name for your programme) Save this as <any name you like>.bat to the root of the usb. When you run the .bat file (by double-clicking, as you would a shortcut) it will be run starting in the root of the usb . The path to the executable is relative to where the .bat starts, so it will work regardless of what drive letter the usb has at the time.


I have tried it and it seems to work good,

for biab I used in the text file.

START \bb\bbw.exe

and realband,

START \realband\realband.exe

There is I think a lengthy process just did a google, of even adding the icons to that file once its converted to an exe, but seems a bit too much so the basic one will do.
Thanks for the help.

Last edited by musiclover; 06/18/19 11:27 PM.


My music

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile