Frank you miss the point.

The 'mericans sent armies to Canada when you were fighting Napoleon. You won the war, and as pay back sailed the Navy up the river. Sent word to the President and his wife that no offence, but please leave your house. I think the ranking officer and the President were both masons but I'd have to delve into that. The British then sacked and burned much of Washington and marched to Baltimore where you fired off the now famous rockets which were new to war at the time. Then you said, bye bye, cherio and leave our colony alone.

I know all the history of Canada/Britain/France in spades. Don't need a wikedpedia. And I speak French and English and so do my kids and my wife's relatives, although my parents don't know oui from we.

The most amazing thing is how polarized everything in the USA has to be. There seems to be only one solution. Declare some states Right Wing, and the Others Left. Most of the Left Coast is left anyway...

Johnny Cash did a good song about a group where the one on the left was on the right....that's a good one.

John Conley
Musica est vita