Hi Ed,

I never wanted your gig. I've seen how some of the musicians act on the cruise ships.

We played in the lounge --- and yes we played more sets than the orchestra musicians --- but we play music because we love to play music. So we considered that a bonus.

In fact, on those nights when the crowd was having a great time in our lounge, we often played all night without taking a break. Why? We were having as much fun as the audience.

As long as we kept the patrons entertained and didn't cause trouble, we were mostly left alone when we played on a Carnival ship. When we started packing the room and actually beating the disco in revenue, we were given the bonus of a passenger-sized cabin with a porthole.

There are many musicians in general who act in a non-professional manor, and unfortunately, that makes it hard for those of us who take our job seriously.

In all jobs, whether it is on a Cruise Ship or a local dive:
1) Show up on time, appropriately dressed and ready to play by the downbeat
2) Show up straight and sober, and remain that way for the duration of the gig
3) Do not abuse break privileges
4) While on the premises, do not cause any trouble, but act like a lady or gentleman
5) Put yourself in the employer's shoes, and act as if you were getting a piece of every dollar that goes into the cash register.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks