John Skyline and Pat,
Quite thoughtful.

Hopefully this will end this.

For the record, personally, a constructive friendly suggestion or two doesn't bother me. I may agree, disagree, use it now, later, or never.

However, I think when someone offers a critique that person should be mature enough to realize that the one being critiqued is under no obligation and may not agree with the critiquer's point of view.

Reacting with statements such as "oh, I see it's praise and praise only" is nothing more than an insulting cheap shot for not being agreed with. It has no place in grown up discussions no matter what anyone's level of expertise.

And finally I can not fathom why anyone would choose to spend time rewriting someone else's entire song when their time would be so much better spent working on their own ideas. It's much more fun to do your own.

Imho, it's a matter of common courtesy. And as an aside, it is a users showcase forum. Emphasis on users.

That's all I have to say on this. I'm done. If someone wants to start a new topic solely for discussion of critiques then I kindly ask that you do so and let this end here. Thank you.