
When you load a songfile that has Upper Bank patches in it, you should be able to see the MSB spinner block underneath the Tracknames indicate that Upper Bank selection (like, 1, 2, 4, 10) when the Track is selected by its Radio Button at the top. No need to open any other window.

If you don't see an Upper Bank number in the MSB window and all you see is a zero, then the Save didn't work.

As for the Controller 32 or zero label, that is just another name for Most Significant Bit (MSB) or Lest Significant Bit (LSB) in MIDI-talk. Means the same thing, it is just that different manufacturers of MIDI gear may call it different names - and there are even other more cryptic ways they have of putting this in their owner's manuals, unfortunately. In your case, the MSB is the only thing you have to deal with in the SD2, and those Upper Bank numbers I've given you correspond to the single number at the top of each page of available patches in the back of your SD2 owner's manual.

So try changing the MSB value in the spinner on the main page MANUALLY to one of those numbers and see if you hear the instrument patch change. If so, try doing a Save with Patches and Harmony and check the boxes to the right and check Fill with Patches from there and see if your patch changes stick.
