
Good ideas. Turns out I have ended up with two installs, and they are apparently coexisting badly.

The 2011 install created C:\BB\BBW.exe, and the old 2007 version is in C:\Program Files\BB\BBW.exe .

Naturally, the two respective \BB folders are otherwise full of all sorts of stuff, as is normal with BIAB installs, especially since I usually purchase all the extra goodies.

When I did the recent 2011 install from HDD, as I recall, I merely pressed Next>Next>Next... all the way through the install wizard. Thus I assumed it would sort out of all the old-versus-new file locations issues.

I have been starting the 2011 version from its newly added desktop shortcut. Your idea to run directly from the exe produces the same error, and the new shortcut points to the correct (new) exe. I have not tried running the old version now that I have discovered its exe is still in there - afraid that might confuse things even more.

A search produces no copy of the GM.DSL file anywhere on the C: partition, or anywhere else for that matter. I suspect the muddled dual installs have led to muddled registry settings which are needed to help everything work together. But somewhere, I presume I still need to have a copy of GM.DSL, at a minimum the original old M$ version, or preferably a replacement built from the bundled Roland synths.

Probably, the best approach is to thoroughly uninstall both, and re-install only the new one. It is not clear whether this will sort out the missing driver problem, but if it doesn't, I suspect is would be easier to resolve after untangling the two installs.

However, I see three problems with this: 1) How to go about doing the uninstalls. Do I need to do some registry cleanups as well? 2) I paid an upgrade price for the 2011 - will my copy still install and run OK if I first purge all traces of the 2007 version? 3) I need to dig into the old file structure and find all my old songs and whatnot, and any other goodies I want to keep. Aside from being a PIA, I wonder where best to put those old files so as not to confuse the new install.

Finally, assuming this is the way to proceed, wonder whether the same GM.DSL issue will still be there?

Any thoughts on this, Noel or anyone?
